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Do you conduct Qualitative Research?


Absolutely.  Around 50% of our projects are qualitative.  We regularly undertake qualitative projects, principally involving  focus groups and IDIs (in-depth interviews) across the UK and worldwide.  We can provide full service from research design, screener/topic guide design through to reporting, or maybe you only want help with recruitment and/or moderation:  we offer high quality recruitment and extremely experienced in-house moderators.  We also have our own viewing facility in London and we can book venues in other locations.

Do you conduct Quantitative Research?


Absolutely.  Around 50% of our projects are quantitative.  We regularly undertake quantitative projects across the UK and worldwide: face-to-face PAPI/CAPI, CATI/telephone, online (including set-up and hosting) and postal.  We have a nationwide network of interviewers for face-to-face surveys, including in-home, doorstep, street and CLTs (central location/hall tests).  We can provide full service from research design, sampling, questionnaire design, through to logistics and reporting, or maybe you only want help with UK fieldwork and/or data entry/analysis – this is managed entirely in-house i.e. we do not sub-contract…this aids project management and gives added value to clients

Do you conduct International Research?


Yes.  We regularly undertake single and multi-country studies.  Besides the UK, these projects are typically focused on Germany, France, Spain, Italy, Poland, the Netherlands and Belgium… we also coordinate projects worldwide.  The real benefit of commissioning us to manage a multi-country study on your behalf is not just the consistency of approach and therefore deliverables, but above all, we are able to significantly reduce the project management hours you need to commit to the project.

Are you a member of/listed by any research associations/societies?


We are a Member of the MRS (Market Research Society) and we abide by their Code of Conduct and thereby commit to the highest research standards.

We are also a member of:

  • ESOMAR; the world association of research professionals.

  • AQR; the principal authority for qualitative research in the UK

  • Viewing Facilities Association (VFA): members of the VFA have to meet strict service quality criteria.


What quality control procedures do you have in place?


Our quality control checks are: 100% of our qualitative recruits are rescreened from our office; 10% of all quantitative respondents (face-to-face or telephone) are re-contacted for quality control purposes;  100% of our data entry is verified (double-entered) to ensure accuracy.


We do not sub-contract any element of our UK research, meaning our project managers are ‘hands-on’ and close to all elements of the research, ensuring excellent communication, flexibility to change, and quality control throughout.  


We abide by the MRS Code of Conduct at all times.  Our interviewers carry an MRS ID Card for all face-to-face research.  Our telephone interviewers supply the MRS Freephone number at the conclusion of all telephone interviews.

What if we only want to access part of your service offering i.e. not full service?


No problem.  Whilst we are a full service agency, we have many clients who ‘pic’n’mix’ from our services.  You may wish to design your own study, have us undertake the fieldwork and data entry, and write your own report from the data file and/or tabulations provided.  You may be undertaking a large-scale qualitative study and want to bring on board additional experienced moderators from our staff to work alongside your  moderators – we can undertake depths/groups and provide feedback (audio/video, debrief/report as required).  Let us know where you need help, and we are sure to be able to provide a competitive price for you to access just the services you need.


Have you worked in my industry before?


Most likely!  With 40+ years experience and having completed more than 20,000 successful projects, it highly likely we have the experience you are looking for. Here's just a taste:


Advertising, Arts, Automotive, Banks & Building Societies, Beauty - Cosmetics and Toiletries, Building & Construction, Charity & Not-for-profit, Design & Manufacture, Durables/White Goods/Electrical Goods, Entertainment, Energy/Utilities, Environment, Events & Conferences, Equipment, Finance & Investment, Food & Drinks, FMCG, Gambling, Heathcare, Home & Garden, HR/Employee, Insurance, International, Internet & Social Media, IT & Technology, Logistics, Media - Print & Broadcast, Membership Organisations, PR, Public Sector/Local Government, Retail, Sport/Fitness & Leisure, Telecomms, Tobacco & E-Cigarettes, Tools & Trades, Travel & Tourism


Do you work in my region?


We have more than 20 Area Supervisors nationwide, managing our local interviewer teams covering major cities and towns as well as suburban or more rural location. Just some of the locations we work in are listed below. . . our interviewers will also travel to new locations where projects demand. 


In the past, upon request, we have also worked with clients to deliver training to local people so that they might become interviewers for a specific project (usually local authority or charitable), providing a legacy of employment for those that pass the practicacilties of field research. Also see question 09.


  • ENGLANDNationwide, including  but not limited to: Bradford, Brighton, Bristol, Birmingham, Cambridge, Coventry, Derby, Hull, Kent, Leeds, Leicester, Liverpool, London/Greater London, Manchester, Milton Keynes, Newcastle, Norwich, Nottingham, Oxford, Portsmouth, Sheffield, Southampton, Sunderland, Surrey, Wakefield, York, Wolverhampton

  • SCOTLAND - Including Aberdeen, Edinburgh & Glasgow...even the Scottish Isles.

  • WALES - Including Cardiff & Swansea, 

  • IRELAND - Northern Ireland & Republic of Ireland

  • INTERNATIONAL - Across Europe & Worldwide.

  • INTERGALACTIC - Coming soon ; )


Can you reach minority communities?


The simple answer is yes, given sufficient time to engage with the community concerned. An example of this is where we have trained people living in the Congolese community in London to interview their peers in their mother tongue on sensitive topics. In the past, we have also created a sign language DVD to allow our regular interviewers to conduct interviews with the deaf community.


Another example we can provide relates to face-to-face qualitative interviews conducted amongst recent (less than 12 months) arrivals to the UK, who work in the UK and send part of their salary to family in their home country. Countries represented in the research include Bangladesh, Uganda, The Philippines, Russia. 



+44 (0)20 8254 4444


Brook House

35a South Park Road

London SW19 8RR

TQL is part of Plus Four Market Research Ltd

Registered in England No: 1005739 VAT NO: GB 216 6645 59

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